Schedule Your Mock Embassy Interview

Thank you for being our valued customer. We take pride in providing top-notch service to each and every customer. Therefore, we want to make sure you are 100% ready to answer all interview questions. Simply schedule an online meeting with your dedicated consultant, have your mock Embassy interview, and get expert feedback on your answers.
Copyright © 2025 GovAssist, LLC

Disclaimer: is not affiliated with the United States Department of State (US DOS), the United States Department of Homeland Security (US DHS), the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), or any other United States government agency. Neither nor its employees claim to have any special knowledge of immigration law or procedure. Listed purchase prices for application preparation assistance services do NOT include any government application, medical examination fee, filing, or biometric fees. The applications completed using our service are available as blank forms for free on USA Government websites. We are a private, internet-based travel technology service provider dedicated to helping individuals travel to the United States. If you do not wish to utilize our services, you may apply directly at or at